Arc Tracking
Oscar Paterson
It would be incredibly useful to be able to add tracking markers on top of the video which automatically (if possible!) follow objects using pattern recognition and allow us to display the arcs. Frame by frame manual placement of markers would also be useful for difficult-to-track footage.
The only way I've found of tracking arcs currently has been to paint dots with the brush frame by frame and then use ghosting to show something resembling the arcs, but this is not ideal.
Philip Floetotto
Hi Paul and Oscar,
thanks for the suggestion. Tracking automatically would definitely quite a bit of work. :)
What might help to track Arcs is the "Held Frame" feature combined with "Add to sketch". It allows you to draw on one frame while stepping through the video.
Attached a small recording.
Hope this helps.
Paul Robbins
Philip Floetotto Cool, I didn't know about held sketches. Gonna try this out! From a quick look it seems like it's basically ghosting only it doesn't fade away and you can edit a drawing on any frame instead of just the frame you originally drew on.
I don't see this as an improvement on manually tracking an arc. If anything, when I tried just now it was harder to draw the arc guessing where it came from and where it would go. I'd still want to manually put a mark on each frame to trace the arc and then maybe use a held drawing to draw the arc over the individual marks.
Incidentally, where's the best place to see videos for all the current syncsketch features. I quickly found this but it's four years old and looks like it was before ghosting and held drawings were separated.
Paul Robbins
I do the same thing (draw marks per-frame and ghost). Auto tracking based on pattern recognition would be a nice feature but seems like a lot to develop. If it's in scope, something like the way you can track in After Effects would be easy.
It'd need to be as simple as this:
- click a "track" button
- place the tracker
- choose how many frames to track
- click "okay"
Mike Jennings
Paul Robbins would specifying the search area (the outer box in After Effects' tracker) be acceptable? I think it's important to get good results.
Paul Robbins
Mike Jennings Sure! If I understand you right, instead of just "2. place the tracker" it could be "2. place the tracker in a high contrast area and choose a bounding box for the tracker to search on the next frame"