I'm able to do some notes on static images directly within SyncSketch (which is great!) but these are the missing features that most frequently bump me out of SyncSketch and back to streaming my Photoshop window. In rough order of priority... apologies in advance if this longer form note isn't helpful or needs to be moved around! Just wanted to share. : )
  • Paste from clipboard to annotations layer. ex. paste a reference image.
  • Rectangular marquee selection + move/resize to reposition notes on the annotations layer.
  • Copy from image to annotations layer (ex. use rectangular marquee to select portion of the original image to paste onto the annotations layer to then move/resize. ex: adjust part of the original sketch in paintover.
  • lasso selection + move/resize, proportional and non-proportional scaling ideally. ex: as above but more flexibility.
  • hold shift to draw straight lines. (shift being hotkeyed to color selection consistently bumps me.)
  • better handwriting mode or text tool, for some reason I have difficulty with the pressure sensitivity settings writing legible text (and can't seem to turn off pressure sensitivity)