Shortcut to switch back to 100%
Philip Floetotto
Hi Vivien, this is already live. You can use CTRL+1 to jump to 100% zoom. You can also set the auto zoom to max at 100%.
Philip Floetotto
Hi Vivien, thank you for reaching out. We were discussing this case internally just recently. What if the auto fit would adjust the size of the video/image up to 100% for maximum quality but not larger. You can always zoom in if you want to check out some details?!
vivien cabrol
Philip Floetotto Hello, well it would be great for 720p videos but not necessarly for greater resolutions as it would maybe won't fit on screen (depending of the type of screen of course) and requires to zoom out to get it entirely visible. That's why I suggested a custom setting cause if you work with a certain type of resolution you can make it work for you needs.
An other possibility is to adjust the resizing like it is right now but adding an exception to the rule if the video is smaller than the space available on screen in order to prevent the oversizing.
Philip Floetotto
vivien cabrol: Hi Vivien, I might not have described it well but your suggestion is more or less what we have in mind. Larger videos would still "auto" fit to the screen so you don't have to zoom out and you would always see everything. But any smaller video would max out at 100% so we prioritize quality over size.
Images also would benefit from this change as they look best at 100% without the automatic smoothing of the browser.